Monday, December 22, 2014


The Lord is my sherpard I shall not want yes I shall not want, I mean my need are met and my wants are fulfilled, and how did I achieve this? By prayer and fasting only not at all infact not much fasting is required but what is required is that your heart to be insync with the heart of God to the point where your desires are God's desires.

When you are linked up with God things become clear and you see them as they are. The Bible speaks of Christ in us and us in Christ and this truth will set us free from meterialistic expectations and these expectations hold us captive in our minds denying us the fullness and aboundance of the Lord Jesus. So in order for me to live in aboundance a renewing of my mind needs to take place so that I can be like the disciples of Jesus go with no physical provisions but only the word of Jesus fueling them.

If I can live my life knowing that all I need is a word from God...Amen

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Reborn to birth

So after so long I decide to put pen to paper and write my blog again okay not pen to paper just more like thumb to phone so what ever the case the point is that I am back on the blog...wait something is different is not this blog about the elect of Christ and how they behave or something? I guess I have found out that it will take more than a two page blog to know who is truly elect...If I am truly elect then I will right about my self and my life.

Okay so this post is an introduction to my new found way of life which is the all incompassing family life :-) good times and bad times :-( but it's all good :-D all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. I love the Lord...

So cute

She came in to my life at 2am in the morning I cut her cord and fell in love she was so tiny...she filled my heart with hope and glee my life forever was changed...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The movement

So after so long I decide to put pen to paper and write my blog again okay not pen to paper just more like thumb to phone so what ever the case the point is that I am back on the blog...wait something is different, isn't this blog about the Elect of Christ and how they behave or something? I guess I have found out that it will take more than a two page blog to know who is truly Elect...If I am truly Elect then I will right about my self and my life.